Chemnitz, 19.03.2024
In addition to further developing our products, we are always on the lookout for strategic partners to improve our services. We were recently able to gain such a partner in Digittrade GmbH.
With its Kobra VS data carriers, Digittrade provides products that are used to encrypt data, similar to HiCrypt™. However, the key difference between the solutions is that their scope of action is complementary. While HiCrypt™ is responsible for encrypting network drives, the Kobra Stick VS and Kobra Drive VS encrypt information on mobile data carriers.
The VS data carriers used enable the secure storage, retention, forwarding and secure transport of sensitive data in compliance with the GDPR, BDSG and VSA. This “digital safe” is of course approved by the BSI for government classified information up to VS-NfD / EU-Restricted and NATO-Restricted.
You can find more detailed information on how it works and the individual products on the Kobra Infosec website.
We are very pleased about the new collaboration and look forward to all future joint projects.